A local band based in the West Midlands, came to me with a brief to design two single covers and a cover for their latest EP. 
The brief was to interpret an external view of society from the bands perspective and how there are a lot of bad influences on the public and next generation. Politicians, social influences, corruption all have an impact. 
Lots of sketches and research had to happen before a structure to the cover could be developed. The 'Bad Influences' cover needed to tell a story, every corner and inch from the centre outwards needed new things to be discovered. For example: the earth in the middle like food on a plate, spanning out to reveal a nuclear key line, the earth itself being injected which is destroying it. To the left a selfie stick suggests a happy couple on the screen, but the reality is often anxiety and stress to keep up with social media.
Firstly 'The Feeling' was released, then 'Albion' then the EP 'Bad Influences' on Spotify.
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